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5K Run-Walk Training Plan

Run-Walk 5K Training Plan: Your Path to Improved Fitness

Welcome to the Run-Walk 5K Training Plan, a flexible and accessible program designed for beginners and those returning to running. Whether you’re a first-time runner or someone looking for a balanced approach to fitness, this plan will help you complete a 5K race with confidence. With millions of participants in 5K events worldwide, this plan taps into the universal appeal of the 5K distance, offering a rewarding challenge for individuals of all fitness levels.

By incorporating intervals of running and walking, this program ensures a sustainable and injury-free path toward completing your 5K, while also boosting cardiovascular health, mental well-being, and overall fitness. Ready to take the first step toward a healthier, more active lifestyle? Let’s lace up and get started!

5k run-walk training plan

5K Run-Walk Running Plan at a glance:

The Run-Walk 5K running plan follows the following structure and is available for purchase through Coach Andrew Taylor's Final Surge coaching page.

What to Expect:

“The advice I have for beginners is the same philosophy that I have for runners of all levels of experience and ability – consistency, a sane approach, moderation and making your running an enjoyable, rather than dreaded, part of your life.” – Bill Rodgers

The 5K Run-Walk Training Plan is specifically designed for novice runners or those returning to running after a break. It provides a gentle yet structured approach to prepare you for your first 5K race or help you get back into a consistent fitness routine. This 10-week program features three weekly sessions of run-walk intervals, starting with shorter running intervals and longer walking breaks. As you progress through the plan, the running intervals will gradually increase while the walking breaks will decrease, building your stamina and confidence along the way.

This plan is based on the proven effectiveness of run-walk intervals, which allow for a sustainable training progression while minimizing the risk of injury. It’s the perfect method for easing into running, ensuring your body has time to adapt and adjust. By taking things at a manageable pace, you’ll not only avoid injury but also experience greater enjoyment as you work toward your 5K goal. Alongside the run-walk intervals, you’ll also have the opportunity to include optional cross-training activities like cycling, swimming, yoga, or weightlifting. Cross-training supports muscle development, reduces the risk of overuse injuries, and helps improve overall fitness, complementing your 5K training.

How to Get Started?

To get started with the 5K Run-Walk Training Plan, simply purchase it on Final Surge for a one-time fee of $19.99. Once you’ve purchased the plan, you can digitally track your progress from start to finish, ensuring you stay on track and motivated throughout your training journey.

Key Features Include:

By following the Run-Walk 5K Training Plan, you’ll be ready to cross the 5K finish line feeling accomplished, healthier, and more energized than ever before.

Looking for more training guidance?

If you need more personalized motivation or advice, we offer online run coaching.

Take the next step in your running ability! Receive a running plan that adapts with you and get feedback throughout your training from Coach Andrew Taylor.

Run-Walk 5K Running Plan Preview:

The following is a snapshot of what to expect in your purchased Run-Walk 5K Training Plan.

The above training plan preview is designed for educational purposes and is not prescribed for any particular individual. The preview presented does not include complete details of what should be done on each training day. Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs or if there are any individual health concerns to be aware of.

5K Run-Walk Plan Terminology:

The Run-Walk 5K training plan terms are defined inside the purchased plan, but let me explain them for you here as well.

Warm-Up: Walk for 5 minutes at an easy effort before every workout (run-walk days and cross-training days). A proper warm-up will help to gradually increase heart rate, improve circulation, loosen up muscles, and prepare you for the days workout.

Cool-Down: Walk for 5 minutes at an easy effort after every workout (run-walk days and cross-training days). A proper cool-down will help to gradually bring your heart rate and breathing rate back down to normal levels after the days workout.

Perceived Effort: A way to rate your effort level based on your feelings about the level of intensity on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 is considered ‘At Rest’ and 10 is considered ‘An All Out Level.’ Use this scale to stay in the correct range listed in the training schedule for a given day (i.e. 6-7).

Heart Rate: If you have access to a heart rate monitor then use this device to stay in the correct range listed in the training schedule for a given day (i.e. 60-75% of maximum heart rate).

Cross-Training: Include activities other than running and walking in your training plan. If you are completely new to exercise, then you may want to wait until weeks 4 or 5 to add in a cross-training workouts. If you are already active 3 to 4 days per week, then start the cross-training as scheduled in the plan. Activities for cross-training may include cycling, elliptical, rowing, strength training, swimming, and more. Cross-training allows you to rest your running muscles and work opposing muscle groups. These activities will help to reduce the impact on your body and the risk of injury. Cross-training can also speed up recovery time between run-walk workouts. Cross-training workouts should be done at a moderate level, Perceived Effort of at least 7, or a Heart Rate of 75-80%.

Strength Training: A form of cross-training, strength training can be a great way to increase lean muscle and boost metabolism while at rest. Strength training can be completed using free-weights, resistance bands, weight machines, or classes such as pilates, yoga or cross-fit. Include exercises for upper body, core, and lower body. Warm-up with a walk or another form of cardio. If you are new to strength training, then start with 1 set of each exercise for 12-15 repetitions. The goal is to work your muscles to fatigue or until you can no longer maintain proper form during the exercise. Continue with 1 set of each exercise for weeks 1 through 4, then progress to 2 to 3 sets of each exercise for 8-12 repetitions.

Flexibility: Stretch lightly after every warm-up period. Stretch again after every workout to improve flexibility, increase circulation, and reduce the risk of injury.

Easy Effort: Easy pace/effort is considered slightly above what you can maintain a conversation, 70-75% of maximum heart rate, and 6 to 7 on the Perceived Effort scale.

Moderate Effort: Moderate pace/effort is where you can hear your breathing, but you are not breathing hard, 75-80% of maximum heart rate, and 7 to 8 on the Perceived Effort scale.

Run/Walk Workout: All of the workouts in this training plan are designed as Run/Walk repeats. After a proper warm-up, run at a pace/effort slightly above where you can hold a conversation for the listed amount of time (i.e. Run 1min). Next, walk at a pace/effort where you can easily hold a conversation for the listed amount of time (i.e. Walk 2min). Repeat these Run-Walk intervals for the listed number of times (i.e. Run 30sec / Walk 2min and Repeat 8 times).