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Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan

Beginner Half Marathon Running Plan: Your Path to Conquering 13.1 Miles

The Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan is designed to help you conquer your first 13.1 miles with purpose and confidence. Whether you’re new to running or transitioning from shorter distances, this program focuses on gradual progression, building endurance, and instilling confidence, making it the perfect stepping stone for aspiring distance runners. With each run, you’ll move closer to achieving the milestone of completing your first half marathon. Ideal for those who have been running 3–4 times per week for 40–50 minutes over the past six months, this plan sets you on a transformative journey toward finishing strong. If you’re not there yet, consider starting with a 10K plan to build your fitness before tackling the half marathon.
beginner half marathon training plan

Beginner Half Marathon Plan at a Glance:

The beginner half marathon running plan follows the following structure and is available for purchase through Coach Andrew Taylor's Final Surge coaching page.

What to Expect:

“Every run is a work of art, a drawing on each day’s canvas. Some runs are shouts and some runs are whispers. Some runs are eulogies and others celebrations.” – Dagny Scott Barrio

Are you ready to run your first half marathon? This Beginner Half Marathon training plan is perfect for the first-time half marathoner and those looking to gradually increase their mileage.

The training plan is 12-weeks in length. You start with a 4-mile long run in week 1 and progress to a 12-mile long run in week 10. The focus throughout the plan is on a strategic combination of easy runs, long-distance runs, rest days, and cross-training. With this approach, your body will have time to adapt to the increases in running each week and properly prepare you to finish the 13.1-mile race.

The half marathon beginner training plan includes two optional cross-training workouts per week. These cross-training sessions allow you to incorporate other activities you enjoy with this training plan. Cross-training activities may include cycling, yoga, elliptical, swimming, or weight-lifting.

How to Get Started?

Purchase our beginner half marathon running plan on Final Surge for a one-time fee of $29.99 here. Digitally track your progress from start to finish of the training program.

Looking for more training guidance?

If you need more personalized motivation or advice, we offer online run coaching.

Take the next step in your running ability! Receive a running plan that adapts with you and get feedback throughout your training from Coach Andrew Taylor.

Beginner Half Marathon Running Plan Preview:

The following is a snapshot of what to expect in your purchased Half Marathon Beginner schedule.

The above training plan preview is designed for educational purposes and is not prescribed for any particular individual. The preview presented does not include complete details of what should be done on each training day. Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs or if there are any individual health concerns to be aware of.