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Beginner Marathon Training Plan

Built For Those New to Marathon Running

Ready to run your first marathon? Our beginner marathon training plan is designed for novice runners looking to build endurance, confidence, and strength to tackle 26.2 miles. With a focus on progressive mileage, gradual intensity, and strategic rest, this plan provides a solid foundation for your marathon journey. Ideal for those running 3–4 times per week for 40–50 minutes over the past six months, it offers a step-by-step roadmap to your first finish line. Not there yet? Start with a beginner half marathon plan to prepare. Begin your running adventure today!
beginner marathon training plan

Beginner Marathon Running Plan at a glance:

The beginner marathon running plan follows the following structure and is available for purchase through Coach Andrew Taylor's Final Surge coaching page.

What to Expect:

“Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired.” – George S Patton

The Beginner Marathon training plan is 20-weeks in length and includes four runs per week. You will start with a 6-mile long run in week 1 and progress to running two different 20-mile long runs in preparation for the race. The focus throughout the plan is on a strategic combination of easy runs, long-distance runs, rest days, and cross-training. With this approach, your body will have time to adapt to the increases in running each week and properly prepare you to finish a marathon.

In week 9, I encourage you to enter an actual Half Marathon Event. This allows you to become more familiar with an organized running event, practice your pacing in a crowd of people. Participating in an actual event also allows you to fine-tune your hydration and nutrition plan. You can achieve your first marathon goal without this half marathon event. However, this test event can greatly improve your comfort level with running longer distances.

This marathon program includes two optional cross-training workouts per week. These cross-training sessions allow you to incorporate other activities you enjoy with this training plan. Cross-training activities may include cycling, yoga, elliptical, swimming, or weight-lifting.

How to Get Started?

Purchase our beginner marathon running plan on Final Surge for a one-time fee of $39.99 here. Digitally track your progress from start to finish of the training program.

Looking for more training guidance?

If you need more personalized motivation or advice, we offer online run coaching.

Take the next step in your running ability! Receive a running plan that adapts with you and get feedback throughout your training from Coach Andrew Taylor.

Beginner Marathon Running Plan Preview:

The following is a snapshot of what to expect in your purchased Beginner Marathon Training Plan.

The above training plan preview is designed for educational purposes and is not prescribed for any particular individual. The preview presented does not include complete details of what should be done on each training day. Consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs or if there are any individual health concerns to be aware of.