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Setting S.M.A.R.T. New Year’s Running Resolutions

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Setting S.M.A.R.T. New Year’s Running Resolutions: A Guide to Success

As the New Year unfolds, many individuals find themselves inspired to embark on a journey of self-improvement, and setting running goals is a popular choice. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a novice looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle, making the right New Year’s resolution running goals is crucial for success. This guide explores the key principles of setting S.M.A.R.T. New Year’s running resolutions to ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Make Your Running Goals Specific:

The first step in crafting effective running resolutions is to make them specific. Vague goals like “I want to run more” lack clarity and are challenging to achieve. Instead, focus on the details. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What distance do I want to run?
  • How many days per week will I commit to running?
  • Do I want to improve my pace or endurance?

For instance, a specific New Year’s running resolution could be: “I will run 3 miles three times a week to improve my overall cardiovascular fitness.”

Make Your New Year’s Running Resolutions Measurable:

Setting measurable running goals allows you to track your progress and celebrate achievements. Incorporate quantifiable metrics into your New Year’s running goals, such as:

  • Tracking the number of kilometers or miles run each week.
  • Monitoring your running pace or speed.
  • Recording the time spent running during each session.

A measurable resolution could be: “I will increase my weekly running distance from 15 miles to 30 miles within the next three months.”

Make Your Running Goals Achievable:

While ambition is admirable, setting realistic running resolutions is key to long-term success. When establishing your goals, consider your current fitness level, schedule, and lifestyle. Gradual progress is more sustainable and less likely to lead to burnout or injury.

An achievable resolution might be: “I will participate in a 10K race in six months, gradually increasing my weekly mileage to build endurance.”

Make Your New Year’s Running Resolutions Relevant:

Your running resolutions should align with your broader fitness and life objectives. Consider the relevance of your goals to your overall well-being and aspirations. Ensure that they resonate with your values and contribute positively to your life.

For example, “I will incorporate trail running into my routine to improve physical fitness and enhance my mental well-being by connecting with nature.”

Add Time-Bounds to Your Running Goals:

Adding a time element to your running resolutions provides a sense of urgency and a timeframe for assessment. Establishing deadlines helps prevent procrastination and keeps you accountable for your goals.

A time-bound resolution could be: “I will achieve a personal best in a 5K race within the next three months by following a structured training plan.”


As you welcome the New Year, take the time to reflect on your running aspirations and craft resolutions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Following the S.M.A.R.T. criteria sets you up for success and increases the likelihood of turning your New Year’s running resolutions into tangible achievements. Embrace the journey, stay consistent, and enjoy the countless physical and mental benefits of pursuing your running resolutions. Happy running and a prosperous New Year!

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