Runner’s Knee: Common Running Injuries
This injury got its name from unfortunately being all too common among runners. I have heard a lot lately from runners in my area about Runner’s Knee. Therefore, I thought it was as good a time as any to share what I know to be true about the injury. Running causes irritation on the patella (kneecap) where it rests on the thighbone. The pain resulting from this irritation can be dull or sharp, and alignment persistent.
There may be an issue with running biomechanics, but it mostly comes from weak quadriceps and tight hamstrings. At the first sign of pain, reduce your weekly mileage. The following is more detail to consider related to possible Runner’s Knee.
As always, you can certainly read through the information and tips outlined in this article. However, if you are suffering from Runner’s Knee, it is recommended that you seek the help of a licensed practitioner.
Where It Hurts and How It Feels:
- Bottom and/or medial side of the knee cap.
- Felt more when walking up or down stairs/hills or when doing jumping or plyometric exercises.
- Pain is typically described as more of a dull ache than sharp pain.
- Difficult straightening leg after a long period of sitting with knees bent.
Causes of Runner’s Knee:
- Overuse or a sudden increase in the intensity of physical activity. Following a training plan is an excellent idea to keep you on track to reach your goals, but sometimes our bodies cannot handle the constant pounding from higher weekly mileage or the addition of new types of training such as speed work or tempo runs. Each person has a threshold of weekly mileage that their body can handle. You can steadily raise that bar with proper training, but don’t compare your threshold of weekly mileage to someone else’s weekly mileage ability.
- Tightness or weakness of the quadricep muscles, especially the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle that runs along the medial side of the thigh and connects to the knee. This muscle group being imbalanced or weak can cause increased hip motion and more torque on the kneecap.
Contributing Factors:
- Overpronation of the foot.
- Poor biomechanics or improper foot positioning while running (heel striker).
- Differing leg lengths can put more stress on the kneecap typically on the shorter leg.
- Training surface and/or terrain.
Most literature on shin splints will refer to ”The 3 S’s” for treating shin splints. This refers to stretching, strengthening, and supporting. Also, runners should attempt to ice and rest the area for a period of time.
CAUTION – If the injury persists, see your physician.
- Stretch – Improve flexibility of hamstrings, quadriceps, IT Band, and calf to reduce pressure on your knee cap. Consider using a foam roller to help loosen up especially tight areas.
- Strength – gaining strength in your quadriceps muscle is easier than you think. Check out the videos and information provided by Sports Knee Therapy for strengthening exercises that fit right into your daily routine.
- Support – Check into a local running specialty store to have your foot analyzed and matched up with the best footwear options. Yes, there are a lot of online resources and opinions out there on the best shoes, but your feet are not the same as the next person out there. You are unique…Your feet have a unique length and shape, your arch has a unique length and shape, your hips and knees are uniquely aligned, and your running form is unique as well. The only way to know what footwear is correct for you is to have footwear specialists take a look at your uniqueness and allow them to use their wealth of bio-mechanic and footwear knowledge to fit you properly.
- Replace running shoes every 350 to 500 miles. Track your weekly mileage in training and each pair of running shoes. Also, pay attention to wear on the bottom of the shoes. Just like the tires on your car, when the tread starts to get really smooth, that is the visual sign that the cushion and support of the shoe have worn down. Do not wait until you start to feel physical soreness or pain. The best practice is to buy new shoes before your current pair is worn out and start alternating in a new pair over the last bit of the older shoe life.
- Avoid running on technical terrain, downhill/uphill, and walking on stairs.
- Decrease your weekly mileage and/or overall pace for 1-2 weeks while working on ”The 3 S’s.”
The following products may be helpful in reducing and preventing the pain associated with Runner’s Knee.
![]() Trusted foam roller of physical and massage therapists, coaches, trainers, and athletes provides muscle recovery, pain relief, and improved flexibility. Constructed from quality materials that won’t break down or lose shape from repeated use. Patented foam roller design offers a superior, multi-density exterior constructed over a rigid, hollow core. |
![]() RockTape is a special kind of tape known as kinesiology tape. First used by acupuncturists and chiropractors in Japan, today kinesiology tape is used by practitioners throughout the world to treat injuries and improve sports performance. Proper application for a runner’s knee should be direct by a registered practitioner. Both alignment and tension of tape are critical to improving your symptoms related to any injury. |
![]() This handy little knee strap can be perfect for alleviating some knee pain associated with a runner’s knee. Use it to maintain some of your weekly mileage, but it is not considered a substitute for treatment of the issue at hand. The knee strap provides consistent pressure on the patella tendon to reduce discomfort and irritation.
![]() Just like the Trigger Point GRID Foam Roller, use this tool to massage and relieve pain from the area. If your pain tolerance level is low or you have a large amount of discomfort, then this softer option is the right choice. |
Other Common Running Injury Articles – Achilles Tendon Injuries, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, and IT Band Syndrome.
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